Album length – 35:49
Finished on 2007
Released on 2024-12-02
Released on Electron Emitter
An experiment with functions the composition and sound design take in communicating the idea of music.
All of the tracks share the same lead melodies and most of the patterns, but they use completely different samples.
Which part of the music remains the same? The ideas or the ways they are perceived? If the perception is different, how do you know the ideas were the same?
Part 4 out of 8 from Joy of Creation.
4. Electromagnetic Radiation
I have noticed many times, that I’m assigning a specific meaning or idea to the sound itself, its texture and modulation, rather than the composition itself.
This album is an experiment on my understanding of music.
Every track has mostly the same patterns and melodies, the only things that are different are the samples and some extra patterns alongside the composition.
And the question is for your perception – how different these tracks are? Are they completely different or almost the same?
I discovered that they are somewhere around 90 percent different. The sounds themselves had a lot more meaning and distinction between them, compared to melodies, rhythmic combinations, and the rest of the composition.
That‘s why I figured out that tracks sharing the same lead sound, feel almost exactly the same. The similarity depends on its sound design and inscripted ideas.
You can tell the same thing in multiple different ways to perceive it differently, but its inscription beneath the explanation is the same. The information inside it doesn‘t change.
This shows that I have separated composition from sound design and integrated this separation while doing these two distinct things.
Composition is explaining the idea.
Sound design is the perception of the idea.
I like an interesting sound, most of the time it can stand on its own, but if it lacks composition or „play“, I have no idea what it‘s about. It‘s as nice as a nice thing that doesn‘t serve a purpose.
Therefore it‘s a bit pointless.
A composition without sound design does not have the intended perception of the idea, and it doesn‘t engage your perception at all. Staring at blobs on lines doesn‘t engage at all, unless you imagine what they‘re telling, therefore you‘re forced to project your own perception of the idea onto the explanation. Imagining what kind of sound those blobs would be playing.
In the same way, when you‘re trying to figure out what the hell someone is talking about, even if you understand the words.
Therefore the explanation is pointless if there‘s no intention to explain.
That has led me to realize why I don’t like anything that has exactly the same instruments or structures. I perceive it as exactly the same since it has the same inscripted idea – desire for euphoria.
And the compositions tell you to …desire. Because it was made on the idea of instant gratification. Eventually, you get everything you’ve been told to desire. That makes it boring since you don’t really have to explain primal functions of human brains to humans.
It feels good right?
It doesn‘t. It‘s pointless.
Different sound designs of those tracks, don‘t change the inscripted ideas, but the way they‘re being perceived.
It‘s a manipulation of the way you understand those ideas, which will affect the way you explain them.
I can explain the same idea in different ways.
I can think of different ideas from one explanation.
The explanation could be a manifestation of information consumed. It forms patterns that make you question its ideas. So you search.
The perceived ideas of this album are all different, but the explanation is the same.
People make different compositions with the same sounds, therefore everything SOUNDS the same. Therefore feels exactly the same.
I made almost exactly the same compositions with different sounds and they feel almost completely different to me.
My perception of music is assignation of specific ideas and aural perception of information to the sound itself.
A simple vocalization without any spoken words has more „idea“ in the form of a feeling – ability to understand the voiced information.
You can moan in ten different ways.
Write all of them down, they‘re all the same. Aaaaaaaaa.
A scream in pain is different from a scream of pleasure. It‘s the specific filtering, harmonic content, and its sonic properties that differentiate it, rather than the spoken „a“. Then there‘s the character of the individual – the way the voice breaks apart depending on its loudness, pitch, and other properties.
The same characteristic scream of two different individuals can be perceived completely differently without an explanation.
And if everyone is not trying to mimic the coolest authority with their behaviour, you can understand them.
Everyone just seems to be moaning about not having pleasure and being bored.
Being interested seems to require the use of a thing, called a brain cell, which wants pleasure. Because apparently it‘s made to desire it.
This leads me to hate popular culture even more, including every single piece of advertisement, rules, authorities, and the rest of the reality – it‘s made to make you desire pleasure and provides you with a dumb riddle every time you are trying to achieve it.
The riddle is your function in the society, to do someone else‘s idea and the prize for your inability to think for yourself is approval and free time to be bored.
That‘s why everything is just desire – porn, food, vacation, politics, and things that are „right”, rather than unquestionably predictable things – physics.
That‘s exactly the reason why I was interested in ways you could explain the world, avoiding the bias of the human being as much as possible.
It seemed weird and completely blown out of perspective for me every time – why most people aren‘t fascinated and cannot comprehend the complexity and the intricacy of the universe and the way it makes you perceive it?
Electromagnetic radiation is what allows us to see, and we are chemically wired to perceive it.
What I seek is understanding. Understanding my own bias. Understanding this world‘s stance. Projecting its stance to be good, full of integrity and prosperity.
If this doesn‘t happen I will isolate my own projection, to prevent corruption of desire.
Therefore I can freely ridicule the outside world‘s opinion on the experiments I‘m willing to take in order to find new ways of explanation and idea generation.
In other terms, making a load of noise.