Compilation length – 15:51:44

Music finished on 2017-12-22 05:01

Released on 2014-12-11 – 2023-11-11

Released on Electron Emitter


Consists of 9 individual albums with visuals.

A psychoanalytical text is undergoing development.



This is an ongoing psychoanalytical project through music, meant to define the perception of Reality.


The psychoanalysis is finished, which ended in a Contradiction.


The reasons for the Contradiction have been uncovered in Joy of Creation.


What’s left is to prove the theory.


Which is the process for the next album.



This is a belief system, based off the Observer. An entity comparable to focus, meditation, god things, the Being and the like.



The perception is Reality.


The Reality does not exist.


Because it’s a Contradiction.



The perception of time indicates a perception of Reality. Time is not perceived upon communication with Reality. But the Reality does not communicate. The communication happens with its perception.


Time stops on the perception of Reality.