Compilation length – 8:06:02

Music initially finished on 2010

Restored throughout 2019-2024

Released on 2024-11-11 – 2024-12-30

Released on Electron Emitter


Consists of a psychoanalytical text and 8 individual albums.



Download the text here.

Alternatively it can be read in parts on individual album pages.

This is a prequel to Contradiction Sequence.




Released under alias Au.B.



Read the same but with pictures on Electron Emitter.


Read an entire article on Electron Transition.


This is a memory of the past that has been restored in order to make its successors proceed.


It was made out of my joy, this way I couldn’t lie or hide the truth.


I was driven by exploration and discovery.


Initially it was just a source of engagement for a five year old kid who was fascinated with sounds.



This developed into a continuous search of what improves the known, or explains the unknown.


The known? Music.


The unknown? Music that hasn’t been played yet.



Most of the things in the world were boring, because their purpose was immediately clear – to control your desires. And music on the radio was so boring, you could find me in the other room crying, because it was all the same.


I want to find something new! Something that isn’t controlling my wishes.


Something that doesn’t tell me it’s wrong to look into the stars.




That’s where eww’s presence as an older brother steps in, with his collection of early 90’s IDM, drum and bass, and his own musical endeavours.


eww’s Maddest Sanity and Joy of Creation share a lot of in common, not only because it was made in the same room, but because it was taken as a main source of inspiration.


Except that Joy of Creation was a complete chaos, since it was 11,5 years younger in its conception, still searching for its own form.


The only other significant idol was Autechre.



Joy of Creation is more about developing the idea that music is communication through engagement, rather than what music is supposed to be.


Because it had to stand its ideas against the reality, which was not in favour of being able to understand it.


It went through a conflict of interests through formal education, failed mentors, teenage rebellions, eastern European “gopniks” and then finally – psychotherapists.


All of which finally managed to put it down.



Therefore its meaning and purpose was derived much later, after it was deleted, discarded or burnt in a fire.


Much of the creations were corrupted or lost, memories and skills faded and the idea of joy derived from exploration – deemed as useless.



It was only after when its succesors found out the other end of the story is boring, as the reality pretends the sky doesn’t exist.


And in order to bring it back, its memory had to be restored.



Thus explaining why it wasn’t an end, it was just a leap of absence, it the face of obscurity.


It continues as Number Eleven and Electron Transition today.


And Electron Emitter.